Hey guys!
Wow has it been forever or nah?
Forgive me I'm on my way to being more consistent y'all so bear with me
Hope you are all well!
Unless we have been living under a rock I'm sure you have seen some of the monstrosities that have happened in Charlottesville
It renders me speechless.
That in 2017 the wars of yesterday are still being experienced today.
Nazi's and KKK out there like that like it's the norm? that's crazy and nonsensical
But we have to choose to be love.
We have to let our love shout louder than our hate.
Darkness has no effect in a dark place.
But light has the ability to eradicate darkness.
And once that light shines darkness cannot overcome it.
And once that light shines darkness cannot overcome it.
So my question for you guys is...
What do you choose to be today?
Whether its in the workplace or at home what do you choose to give people today?
On a less serious note ha!
I've got a sassy look fo yaa!
As you know... I have a little thing for green lol
And when I found this top I got all types of excitement! Cuba vibes with being in Cuba *sighs*
The only sad thing is my hench arms were too much for this top *cries* as it's definitely more tailored to the more slender bicep ha!
But this is definitely one of my fave looks!
Top: Zara, Skirt: American Apparel
Hope you enjoyed this post!
God Bless
Flakes of a Feather xXx
Nice post loving the energy in the pics looked like you really enjoyed the shoot. About the hate in the world....well.....some years later and it seems to be getting errr better lol I can't even lie it's way worse but you're right people choose to spread hate so posts like this are needed.
God bless
Gabriel (from uni)